Welcome, what are you here for...?

click on the corresponding button, read status before dming


dm if:

- i have dm to partner in my name/status/about me
- my status says open
- your server follows the requirements

don't dm if:

- i have don't dm to partner in my name/status/about me
- i am on a break
- my status says closed
- your server doesn't follow the requirements
- your ad has pings or is super long (i can make exceptions for the second one)

additional info:

- don't ask for the other server's ad unless they don't have it in a public channel, don't be lazy and fetch it yourself!
- please don't dm me with "partner" or something rude, i don't like talking with people who do that
- please please please please learn how to read for the love of god
- if we have several mutual servers, tell me which you want to partner with beforehand

Hiring Ray

dm me the following:

- your ad
- requirements
- whether the partnership channel is active or not
- what plan you're hiring me for
- for plans join this server

don't dm if:

- your server is fully nsfw (as a minor i don't want to work for nsfw servers)
- it's fully toxic or breaks ToS

additional info:

- if you dmed me on rayalberich, this account is for my inv based masses, meaning i want servers with low to no pms
- if you dmed me on coolpmray, this account is for point based masses, meaning it can have any amount of pms
- this is why i require to know how many pms your server has
- please read my status

Massing w Ray

if inv based:

- join my inv based portal
- open a ticket on ray's side if it follows my reqs

if point based:

- join one of my pt based portals
- open a ticket on ray's side if it follows my reqs
https://discord.gg/4UGbPxBTGP or https://discord.gg/Uv3JD2xGBU

additional info:

- please please read requirements and everything
- make sure i'm open!!!
- ray loves you <3

mixed portal:

- this portal is a mix of all my pt and inv based servers
- i'm rarely open here so i'd recommend massing on my other sides :3